Bartos family, Greg & Morgan, Married Life, Squicciarini family

beach baby

Madison sent me a bunch of pictures from our visit to KY in July, and seeing them brought back fun memories of being there. {hello, Hacketts!} I haven’t seen Madison since then, but I’m hoping she is able to visit for Julianna’s wedding NEXT MONTH and stay with me again!

So… guess where the Bartos family is?! The beach! We are spending a few days at Myrtle Beach, and heading back to Charlotte on Sunday, just in time to pick up some fresh fish and celebrate Rosh HaShanah with friends! There was a lot to pack for this trip, even with just one baby. I have a whole new appreciation for my mom’s hard work in packing our family up to spend a week at Ocean Isle every summer! I think the carefree beach days are gone, but they’ve been replaced by responsibility, efficiency, and a firm intention to savor each moment here.

So far, Sophia LOVES the lazy river and the heated pool. She is curious about the ocean and determined to taste a handful of sand. She does not like Martin’s Restaurant.

Week at a glance: 

  • watched Singin’ in the Rain with Greg {a feature film, quite rare for us}… had the songs stuck in my head for days
  • joined the Improving Birth rally on Labor Day to protest the unnecessary number of inductions and c-sections in the US. Our first demonstration… so much fun! besides waving signs outside Presbyterian Hospital, we got to catch up with Jackie Kuschner!
  • purchased a Beaba Babycook on Craigslist… continued giving Sophia tiny amounts of pureed veggies at dinner time
  • had a celebratory dinner with the Squicciarini family of grilled kosher sausages: not sure if we were celebrating Labor Day or Peter’s return from almost a week in Tacoma, WA
  • made Tyler Florence’s Berry Trifle for the first time, with some assistance from Mary
  • played a small part in hosting Julianna’s lovely bridal shower at Laura Guido’s home {got a turquoise Cuisinart immersion blender for Julianna, one of my favorite kitchen tools}
  • spent a delightful afternoon with my cousin Sarah Stelzl {& received a delicious homemade gluten-free pumpkin pie from her!}
  • went out to dinner with the extended Squicciarini clan {the fam + Josh & Isaac} at one of their favorite places, Arooji’s Ristorante in Southpark
  • hosted an informal birthday dinner for Greg’s dad {Jet’s Pizza}
  • spent a Shabbat day with the Bella Torah Community, then came home and read all of Howard Rutledge’s book “In The Presence Of Mine Enemies” {an inspiring POW account} with Greg
  • celebrated our first Grandparents Day with Sophia’s first art project! We used ink pads to make cards with her handprints, and delivered them to Grandpa & Nonni in Fort Mill and Grandpa & Grandma in Matthews {thank you for the reminder, Mrs. Martin!}
  • discussed conspiracy theories {9/11?} with Pete… saw a few eye-opening YouTube videos
  • randomly saw Julianna at the new Whole Foods, did the 2nd Matthew lesson with my little Bible Study group, took Sophia to Southpark Mall for a quick errand, and… packed for the beach!
  • drove to Wilmington in search of a gluten-free sweet cinnamon bread for Rosh HaShanah {mission: successful}
  • shopped the Tanger Outlets and got Greg a few pairs of socks at Clarks {he couldn’t resist their lifetime warranty}
  • yet to come: an afternoon on the beach and a quiet Shabbat by ourselves – can’t wait!


faith, Married Life, Planning, Squicciarini family, Thoughts, Wedding

an excellent wife finale

Gabriela Upham hosted a lovely party this afternoon honoring two brides, Autumn Gordon and myself. Autumn is getting married on May 1, just a few weeks after me. Mrs. Upham asked each person to bring a card with one of their favorite recipes on the front, and their recipe for “a successful marriage” on the back. I ended up with some yummy-looking recipes, and some great advice, plus a cute set of heart-shaped measuring spoons!

This seems like a fitting way to wrap up the “excellent wife” posts – with a collaborative effort from the ladies of Bella Torah:

Lori Fritz {gluten-free German Pancake}
“Bless the L-rd, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy Name! Bless the L-rd O my soul, and forget not all His benefits… Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things so your youth is renewed like the eagles.” {Psalm 103.1-5}

Karen Gordon {Lemon Dressing & Almond Spread}
“Let the good times roll!
” Many times I must purpose to be “fun.” Be purposeful in building strong positive memories during ‘low conflict’ times, the recesses in your relationship. Know his love language and make choices to deposit into his ‘love bank’ {it won’t always come naturally}. Always purpose to find that good and speak it, then there will be a reserve in the bank for ‘resolving conflict’ periods. That ‘emergency fund’ will be a cushion for the conflicts. Never mention the ‘D’ word. Do NOT use it even if you may be thinking of suggesting that he may want one, such as “do you want a divorce?” When dark times come, do not expect your husband to be G-d for you. Give grace. Often talking to a friend takes the pressure off the spouse to perform what he may not be able to offer.

Phyllis Robinson {gluten-free Blond Brownies}
“Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends.” –Mom
“Who is rich? The man with a wife of pleasant deeds…with contentment in his riches.” –Talmud Shabbat
“A pleasant home, a pleasant wife, and pleasant furnishings enlarge a man’s mind.” –Talmud Berachot
“The home should be perceived as a microcosm of the universe: the harmony that permeates the home and the family extends beyond, fostering harmony between families, communities, and ultimately, the nations of the world. In the absence of harmony between one’s own family, we can hardly expect to find harmony between strangers.” – Rebbe Menachem Schneerson

Diana Nunez {Passover Chocolate Torte}
It is my prayer for you as a new wife that as you leave the house of your father you would be bound to your husband in covenant love. I pray that you would abide in your Heavenly Father for the wisdom and grace it will take to love, respect, and honor an imperfect man. May you submit joyfully as unto Yeshua that your marriage might ascribe Glory to the Perfect King. May your lives together be like this Passover chocolate torte ~ sweet, deep, rich, and decidedly free of leaven. Remember my sister that ‘a little leaven leavens the whole lump.’ A ‘little bit’ of a critical spirit will deflate him and a ‘little bit’ of resentment will be like death to your marriage. Treat your husband today how you want your daughters to treat their husbands tomorrow. Start today to build a godly heritage for your children and your children’s children. “Therefore let us celebrate the Feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.” {1 Corinthians 5.8} Mazel Tov and lots of love!

Adriana Vermillion {Mushroom Beef Burgers, Marinated Mahi Mahi, & Lemon Tart with Toasted Coconut}
In almost eleven years of being married to my wonderful gift from the L-rd {Ken}, I have learned that I needed to forgive quickly and show it through my behavior and through an unconditional love from me. Mazel Tov!

Suzanne Martin {Vegetable Rotini}
Remember you are a helper suitable for your husband {B’reshit 2.18}. Do things together – finances, yard & house maintenance – as well as the fun things. Show interest in his activities; find ways to help him succeed in his responsibilities.

Janet Spurlock {Passover Spinach-Cheese Lasagna}
Smile often, laugh easily. {When your day doesn’t go how you planned it, remember Janet isn’t perfect either!}

Gabriela Upham {Sweet Potato Casserole}
A gentle answer turns away wrath… foot massages help too.

Lynn Bowen {Heath Bar Frosting}
Always pray that bitterness will not enter your heart toward your husband. Go to your knees before you go anywhere else.

Beverly Hergenreter {Spinach & Mascarpone Soup}
// Mrs. Hergenreter has already given me valuable marriage advice in person.

Denise Pohlman {Incredible Chocolate Cake with Dark Chocolate Ganache}
This “recipe” applies to all of life but one of the most important places to use it is in a marriage, whether young or wise it still applies: Find your mate’s perfect mix and expression of love. Go deep, right to the root, search even your own soul. Find out if your words of encouragement or your quality time is when he feels closest to you. Maybe it’s the sweet gifts you give, or the wonderful things you’re always doing, and it might even be the way you hold his hand that makes him feel the most loved. Beware that you don’t speak in your love language alone, for it may seem to him like you have started to speak in a foreign tongue. So avoid this perplexing pitfall, and learn a new language if need be, and you’re on the path to becoming a bilingual pair! All your love needs to flow out of your love for HaShem. Make sure He is first in all you do! Be not just a fair-weather friend but stick with him through thick and thin. Blessings and l’chaim!!!


All in all, what a fantastic way to start my pre-wedding week! Greg had his “bachelor party” today as well, a shooting party with some of the men from our fellowship. I think he had a terrific time, and he certainly did incredibly well! Looking forward this week to seeing what each day will hold: final preparation, special time with my sisters {& MOM!}, and completing the transition to a new home.

Life is blissful.
